Donnel Nunes, PhD, LMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Emotional states are not unlike physical postures. When they are aligned with the challenges you are facing, you can respond dynamically and creatively from a position of strength. When out of alignment, it can feel like trying to play basketball from a chair rendering our targets and aspirations out of reach. The focus of my counseling practice is helping young to mid-life adults and families to rediscover and reconnect to an innate posture of strength and resilience. Through a mix of conventional clinical approaches, exploration of personal purpose, and a commitment to mindful living, my clients learn to untether their minds and find creative pathways for moving forward and restoring harmony to their lives.

In addition to my many years as a therapist, I am also an organizational and leadership consultant to both privately and family-owned companies. I have also worked extensively in public education including K-12 and higher ed. Through these different roles, I have developed a deep understanding and unique perspective for the needs of and challenges of clients who are working in high performing environments.

I am licensed as a mental health counselor and have a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from University of Hawaii, Manoa. I find great joy in helping to connect others to people and knowledge that can empower them to find inspired solutions that support personal growth and self-discovery.