Co-parenting for Separating and Divorcing Parents

Co-parenting Education vs. Co-parenting Therapy

This course IS NOT therapy or counseling. Co-parenting (COPA) Education is acquiring knowledge, learning and practicing parenting skills that are essential for taking care of your child’s mental and emotional health during and after divorce.

Co-parenting (COPA) therapy is the therapeutic process of reducing the subjective experience of stress, anxiety & depression associated with stressful and conflictual co-parenting. Co-parenting, individual, and family therapy is often essential and extremely beneficial. This course does not diagnose or treat mental health disorders.

We welcome parents who are recommended by their attorneys or Family Court judges. This course is not intended to be used as a means of investigating or fault finding in your co-parent.

This course is not to be used as a part of the legal decision-making process in regard to custody or other legal topics. If you are interested in learning to be a better co-parent, you are welcome.

Co-Parenting during Separation and Divorce:

Skills for taking care of your child's mental and emotional health during and after divorce.

Parents usually have dreams about what their life is going to look like, how they will raise their children, how the children will behave, which role each parent will fulfill… After divorce, many of those dreams need to be reframed.

  • How did your dreams, plans, and expectations about life change after divorce?
  • How do you honor your dreams after divorce?
  • Did you have to change your dreams or are you just taking a different path to make those dreams reality?
  • How do I communicate with my Co-Parent about these dreams and about every day plans?

Co-Parenting Class Topics

Parenting, Co-parenting & Parallel Parenting
Managing and Accepting Change
Setting Goals for Your Children & Family
Divorce: Effect of Loss, Grief & Conflict
Divorce: Effects of Alienation and Estrangement
Effective Communication
Children’s Developmental Needs and Parenting Styles
Step and Blended Families 

Registration instructions

Courses are ongoing and enrollment is open. We have several times available. You may attend with you co-parent or not.

HPC does not coordinate the schedules between co-parents.

Registration & Course Details*

$375 per person due before the cycle begins.
Booster sessions Parenting Styles Step & Blended Families priced separately. 

  • Register on-line (Button below)
  • 8-Sessions Zoom Classes
  • 1.5 hours per class
  • Certificate of completion is issued after completion of 8 sessions
  • Attendance and participation of all classes is required for certificate of completion
  • 20 minutes late constitutes an absence
  • Cameras must be on at all times
  • Make-up classes are available during the next cycle
    A canceled class may be rescheduled

*Paid registration confirms participants understanding and agreement of these terms.